Saturday, January 10, 2009

This Dec. I decided to make a trip to Arizona to see my Grandmother. She wasn't doing very well and I was concerned that this might be the last time I might be able to see her. She was much skinnier than I had anticipated and didn't look good in general. All in all I was glad that I went. The part I am leaving out is the fact that I made the trip with one of my best friends Deanna. She flew out here from Austin TX and we drove together to Phoenix. We had a blast as this was the first time I had ever done anything like that! My only issue was that that was the farthest I have ever been away from my children. I missed them so much! The whole trip was fun and I saw lots of extended family. Praise the Lord for his small blessings and miracles!

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am sitting here reflecting on how good the Lord is to me and my family. We live in such a beautiful place! We are sitting in the den watching the snow fall peacefully (outside at least). My boys are gathered watching out the window begging to be outside to play in the snow. It sure is coming down right now, so I have made the decision that maybe the morning would be better for sledding! We are bundled up with a fire going watching the snow fall. How fantastic is that! Thank you Lord for your awesomeness!! :)
By the way here is a shot I got of my boys all gathered around the window begging to play in the fluffy (freezing) white stuff!!